Move over IE, Hello Microsoft Edge!

Not all Windows users are fans of Internet Explorer, and not all Mac users are crazy about Safari. But there’s good news for Windows users: Windows 10 replaces IE with a brand new browser, Microsoft Edge. Here is a list of the key features you shouldn’t miss out on: Import favorites You can easily import […]

Protect your data from WannaCry

This month, ransomware has taken center stage yet again. WannaCry has already infected thousands of users around the world. In true ransomware fashion, WannaCry holds user data hostage until the victim decides to pay the ransom. What’s more alarming, however, is that the global success of this malware will likely spawn even more potent variants. […]

Should you fear government surveillance?

Accusations of inappropriate government surveillance have been swirling after Wikileaks recently released thousands of pages supposedly detailing the CIA’s exploitation of compromised devices and applications. But in today’s climate, every headline needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Read on to find out what’s actually at stake and why you probably don’t need […]

Add-in support for Mac’s Microsoft Office

Support is defined as providing assistance, encouragement, or comfort to help someone achieve a certain goal. For Mac’s version of Microsoft Office, support comes in the form of add-ins that aim to enhance user experience. Although usability testing is currently underway, you can still read about the latest developments here: Office add-ins are applications running […]